The five sheaths (or kosha) work much like clouds when they cover the sun. The sun does not stop shining and is unaffected by the clouds and yet, when covered, its light appears much dimmer. When the clouds depart the sun is seen to be shining in all its glory still.
So it is with the essence of our being. It can be hidden from sight, but this does not mean that it has ceased to be. There is a story in the Taittirīya Upanishad Knowledge about how these five kosha are like nests for being. Although the five kosha can conceal the self from view, they can also be the very means for displaying the glory of the self.
A prerequisite for enrolment:
Completion of the first 9 courses.

Each sheath (or kosha) is progressively more refined and more subtle than the one before. Understanding their nature means being free of their limits. Being free of their limits makes it possible to know your self as you truly are.
The second course in the 4th year, The Five Sheaths, explores the way in which our true selves are covered, what these coverings are, and how to dissolve them.
“Nature is a unity in diversity of phenomena; a harmony, blending together all created things, however dissimilar in form and attributes; one great whole animated by the breath of life. The most important result of an inquiry into nature is therefore to establish the unity and harmony of this, to comprehend nature, to lift the veil that shrouds her phenomena.”
'Cosmos' ~ Alexander von Humboldt
What are the sheaths
Overvies of the 5 sheaths
The material sheath
The vital sheath
The mental sheath
The knowledge sheath
The bliss sheath
Training the mind through the senses
Discrimination through listening
The organs of knowledge
Sat, Cit and Ananda: Truth, Consciousness and Bliss
Our own Self as the source of joy.

- 10-12 sessions
- Weekly face-to-face group sessions with a Tutor
- 2.5 hour sessions
- Course may include onsite workshop*
- Light refreshments served (Subject to COVID guidelines)
- 11 sessions
- Weekly live online group sessions with a Tutor
- 90 minute sessions
- Course includes a 1.5hr online workshop
- Refreshments not included
*Varies depending on location
** Concession rate available for online courses (Check eligibility)
Our bricks and mortar schools in each state, whilst all being affiliated to our global network, are all independently operated. Course pricing for the face-to-face courses may vary from school to school. Please see the individual school websites via the links below for course pricing at your local school.
This course is not offered in NSW/ACT this term.
Please scroll down to view the online course options.
The Five Sheaths is not being offered in Brisbane this term.
Please scroll down to view the online course options.
The Five Sheaths is offered in person in Perth.
Please contact to enquire.
Courses commence 3 times a year:
Term 1 - February
Term 2 - May
Term 3 - September